Category Archives: Technology

Technical advice

Raising the Bar — Code

So you are thumbing through a magazine and stumble upon an ad that includes a postage-stamp sized graphic with a black & white interlaced pattern. What’s this?

You wonder if it is a close-up view of some image, so magnified that only a few square pixels are in view. Actually, the graphic is an image of data. It is simply a two-dimensional barcode, just waiting to be accessed — using your cell phone! Continue reading

Print vs. Screen

Reviewing electronic communication may be a function of fatigue on the eyes. Many people will briefly examine at a text-intensive document on a computer, but will opt for printing the document for complete reading. This is noticed in universities (such as NYU) where students are offered electronic books, course handouts, and other online references; yet, most students will PRINT these online items, before reading or studying. Why do this? Continue reading