Tag Archives: reference

Creative Collaboration

How do slide “designers” work with presenters to optimize the delivery of content? In a featured article published in October 2012 on Geetesh Bajaj’s INDEZINE blog, Tom Mucciolo shares his experiences of the creative collaboration techniques used by content creators to intergrate visual support across a diverse group of speakers.

Read the whole story: Slides and Speakers

Connecting the Dots . . . .

The characteristics of experts revolve around the dynamic relationship among the core elements of knowledge, experience, problem-solving, talent, and context. In a featured article published in June 2012 on The EvoLLLution blog, Tom Mucciolo and Leila Jahangiri discuss how experts use a problem-solving ability of “connecting the dots” in order to show the relationships among what otherwise might be isolated bits of information.

Read the whole story: Elements of Expertise: Connecting the Dots . . . .

Diary of an Electronic Assessment

What do you like most and least in a speaker? The research findings point to 21 skills that audiences identified as characteristics of effectiveness. In a featured article published in April 2012 on The EvoLLLution blog, Tom Mucciolo and Leila Jahangiri describe their extensive study which led to the development of a series of interactive assessment tools that can be used for self-improvement.

Read the whole story: Diary of an Electronic Assessment

An Effective Collaboration

Can academia work hand-in-hand with business? The answer appears to be a resounding “YES!” In a featured article published in April 2012 on The EvoLLLution blog, Tom Mucciolo and Leila Jahangiri reflect on how their seemingly diverse backgrounds complemented one another to develop research aimed at helping teachers and presenters become more effective communicators.

Read the whole story: An Effective Collaboration

Raising the Bar — Code

So you are thumbing through a magazine and stumble upon an ad that includes a postage-stamp sized graphic with a black & white interlaced pattern. What’s this?

You wonder if it is a close-up view of some image, so magnified that only a few square pixels are in view. Actually, the graphic is an image of data. It is simply a two-dimensional barcode, just waiting to be accessed — using your cell phone! Continue reading