Electrifying Presentations
About Our Company (Click here to be part of our mailing list)
MediaNet is a New York based presentation skills and leadership consulting firm that specializes in helping business people communicate more effectively in public venues, group presentations, and one-to-one scenarios . The spectrum of our services ranges from concept to delivery, including strategy, scripting, visual creation, skills coaching, and event staging. MediaNet's core objective is to make individuals more effective presenters and better communicators.
MediaNet's approach to business presentations is reflective of our society's move toward more visual information. People are constantly exposed to television, video games, computers, tablets, and smartphones -- media formats which are filled with color and light and based on effect, emotion, and entertainment. These media have elevated the standards by which we judge the delivery of information, and as such, business presentations need to compete to maintain an audience's attention.
Electronic presentations and confident presenters can create a level of engagement for an audience, and also increase audience retention of the information. MediaNet's services and publications can give you the techniques and tips to script, assemble, and deliver more effective presentations.
Contact Information:
Tom Mucciolo, President
Main Office
MediaNet, Inc.
305 Madison Avenue (at 42nd St.)
New York, NY 10165
(T) 212-682-2250
(F) 212-599-5173
Mailing & Billing Office (direct mail, packages,
deliveries etc.)
MediaNet, Inc.
3234 Hatting Place
New York, NY 10465
(T) 212-682-2250
(F) 212-599-5173
Electrifying Presentations™ is a collection of electronically-delivered lectures on developing and delivering more effective business presentations. The topics range from creating visuals that increase audience attention and retention, to the mechanics of presenting, with attention given to body language, eye contact, and gestures for enhancing personal effectiveness and style. MediaNet's seminars combine humor, flair and informative research to deliver a memorable experience that is both educational and entertaining. To create a workshop tailored to a specific agenda, just select from any of our Electrifying Presentations seminars. For example, our Presenting Made Easy workshop offers a full-day of all our topics.
About Our Skills Coaching
The concepts presented in our seminars can be reinforced and personalized through individualized presentation skills training. MediaNet offers skills coaching either on-site or through Digital CoachingTM.
On-site, we traditionally begin with a seminar to teach the principles. Then we work with presenters, one-to-one, to help them eliminate habits in their styles that distract from their messages, and reinforce their strong skills. In some cases, video recordings are used to review performance elements. A Skills Assessment is often incorporated into these sessions so that participants can understand specific areas regarding challenges and opportunities that influence levels of effectiveness. In the end, each participant begins to develop his or her own style and emerges a more convincing and credible presenter.
Digital Coaching delivers the same personal critique and tips for improvement via an offline video recording or through an online live session from a remote location. If you have a webcam, you can arrange for an internet-based connection which will allow you to present from any location while sharing your presentation at the same time. If you prefer to send in an archived version of a presentation, you can send us a five to ten minute video recording of a presentation (with or without an audience) and we can provide a complete skills assessment, analyzing 80 elements across 21 skill categories to provide a measure of effectiveness among different audience types. For more in-depth analysis, we can edit the original video with annotations and comments that reinforce effective moves, identify problem areas, and offer specific solutions for more effective presenting.
Digital Coaching is a great follow-up to on-site coaching or can act as a substitution for individuals who have difficult schedules or need a more cost-effective solution.
About Our Publications
The principles shared in our seminars and coaching are also available through published media. Our book, Purpose, Movement, Color, is a practical, 80-page, full-color publication concentrating on objectives, eye movement, and color as the requirements for heightening an audience's attention. The book also covers the mechanics of presenting, including positioning, gesturing, and phrasing.
Mechanics - Basic Skills and Media-Design Skills are interactive multimedia CD-ROMs designed to function like a live web-site. These two modules are part of the Electrifying Presentations Library Series™, offering completely interactive programs on how to improve your delivery & design skills. ShowStarter is a visual design software which analyzes responses to specific questions and develops a unique presentation strategy with recommendations for design, text, color, and more. Special Edition Using Microsoft PowerPoint 2000/2002/2003/2007 (Macmillan/Pearson Publishing/MediaNet) are four successive publications that give practical advice on how to use the PowerPoint software program, while providingn an understanding of the all the components necessary for developing, designing and delivering an effective presentation for any audience.
To offer a more comprehensive expression of our research and skills assessment tools, the 2012 book A Guide to Better Teaching (Jahangiri/Mucciolo, Rowman & Littlefield Publishing) covers each of 21 skill categories in-depth, providing numerous examples and methods for developing a more effective communication style. While targeted to education, the same principles of effective presentation skills apply to anyone who speak in front of others.
About Our Partners
At MediaNet we like to stay current with the latest advancements in presentation concepts and technology. We do this by sharing information and ideas with other "partners" and "associates". They range from hardware and software companies to other presentation skills experts whose services we may recommend. We're often asked questions like "Where can I get high-quality clip-art to use in my presentation?", or "Which software has the best features?". Even though we may have knowledge of these topics, we will defer to other experts if we feel our clients can be better served.
If you need a professional speechwriter, or a corporate photographer, or a creative print-design team, or you just need to know where to rent a projector, we are happy to make some recommendations.
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